- How do I change my account name?
- What is Account Reset?
- I have linked my account, but it's not displayed on the Primary Account Setup page.
- I can't see my game data after linking my account to my Nexon ID.
- What is the Primary Account Setup service?
- I've linked my account, but it doesn't appear on the Primary Account Setup page
Security Service
- How do I deactivate PlayStation 2-Step Verification (2SV)?
- I can't sign in with my PlayStation passkey.
- I have a question about PlayStation security service.
- How do I remove Xbox sign-in security?
- How do I add Xbox sign-in verification?
- I have a question about Xbox security service.
Usage Restrictions
- 1204 - Banned for gaining advantages by reqesting refund after using Caliber
- Please tell me why my PSN account is suspended.
- The message "Your chat access has been restricted in accordance with our Operation Policy." appears and I'm unable to chat.
- The message "You have been banned from the game for violating our Operation Policy." appears and I can't login.
- The message "You have been banned from the game because you were found to have made an abnormal payment cancellation (chargeback)." appears and I can't login.
- The message "You have been banned from the game because you were found to have made wrongful gains through chargeback on the platform store you used." appears and I can't login.
View/Modify Account Information
- How do I change my PSN sign-in ID?
- How do I change sign-in preferences on my Xbox console?
- How do I cancel the closure of my PSN account?
- How do I close my PSN account?
- How do I cancel the deletion (closure) of my Xbox account?
- How do I delete (close) my Xbox account?
Find ID/Password
- I cannot find my game data after linking my Nexon ID.
- "Sorry, something's wrong with your Microsoft account" error occurs when signing in to Xbox.
- How do I reset my PSN password?
- I forgot my PSN password.
- I forgot my Xbox password.
- What should I do if my PSN account has been stolen?